Thursday, April 10, 2008

fifth assingment

I'm not sure yet but i think that the project of my novel might be showing people that we should think more about what we say and do because it affects others in ways that it doesn't affect us.
This is shown throughout the whole novel because each character has their own point of view and perspective about several different issues.

Friday, March 28, 2008

fourth assignment

Metaphor- when a word or phrase is applied to an object to which it is not literally applicable.
"...I feel the darkness rushing past my breast past the cow; I begin to rush upon the darkness but the cow stops me..."
The darkness can not actually rush past him.
The reason why the author mught have put this in there is that Dewey Dell is afraid. Addie has just passed away and he has no idea what to do. I think it shows that Addie is the head of the family and that without her everyone is lost.

Symbolism- use of an object to represent ideas.
There is a scene in the book when the Bundren family starts their journey accross the mississippi and the wagon they're on falls into the river. I think that that scene could symbolize Addie's rebirth because in some way author or directors in movies make it so seems like that.

Another symbolism in the book and a very obvious one is when Cash is building his mother's coffin, at the beginning of the book we find out she is terribly sick but we know that she eventually goes away when we learn about Cash.

Monday, March 24, 2008

third assigment

  • my book is in some ways very original but someof the conflicts and characters are similar to the ones of other stories. then again most stories have the same conflicts as others.
  • i think that even though the characters and maybe even the setting may be the similar my book is still original because of the way it is written. this story is told from all the characters perspective, there is no main narrator they all get a chance to narrate.
  • everyone interprets things differently and if someone has already used a setting or characteristics anyone can reuse them in a different way and create a totally new piece.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Second Assignment (Character)

  • I think that Darl Bundren is the main character in my book. He is one of fifteen narrators, and the book introduces us to him before anyone else. His point of view is not only the first that we see but it is also the one we see more often. He is the second oldest son of Addie and Anse. So far I have only read what two other characters have to say, and Darl just seems to be so much different than the others. He is very intelligent and descriptive. He gives details about everything he sees, and exactly what everyone does.
  • I can relate to Darl in some ways. I really like his personality. I feel that we are alike because like him i usually pay a lot of attention to what is going on around me. He is very discriptive about everything, and i think that's where we are somewhat different because like i said before i do notice minor things but also tend to forget about them quickly and im not very good at remembering every detail like he is.
  • i think that darl lives in a very small place, a farming town or something similar. if i were part of the story i would probably see some farm animals. it would probably smell like horses, cows and whatever else a farm smells like. I don't know what Darl thinks about his town but i know that if i were in his place i would just want to get away from everything not only because his mother is on her death bed but also because im not used to living in such a small place.

Friday, February 29, 2008

First Assignment

The book I choose is called As I Lay Dying and it was written by William Faulkner. The title of the book was interesting to me. I also heard that this author is one of the best and so I wanted to find out more about the book.